Holme Roberts & Owen LLP
Tax - Federal Income, State and Local

The Holme Roberts & Owen LLP (HRO) tax practice includes more than 15 lawyers who dedicate the majority of their practice to federal income, state and local tax matters.

Our Practice
* Federal, state and local tax planning for new, emerging and established businesses.
* Federal and state income tax planning for mergers, acquisitions, dispositions and other business transactions
* Natural resource transactions planning and structure
* Federal, state and local dispute resolution at all levels, from audit to appellate courts

We provide counsel to corporations, trusts, partnerships, individuals, charitable organizations and other entities on local, domestic and multi-national levels. The tax group has in depth experience and knowledge and has advised clients in the banking and finance, commercial, real estate, technology, oil and gas, mining, telecommunications, and public utilities arenas.

Holme Roberts & Owen LLP
90 S Cascade Ave #1300
Colorado Springs CO 80903-1615
Tel: 719 473-3800
Fax: 719 633-1518
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